Holistic Care and Acupuncture
Our practice is lucky enough to have Dr. Christine Eckermann-Ross, a certified veterinary acupuncturist from the Chi University, who is also certified in Chinese herbal medicine, Palliative Medicine, and End-of-Life care. Dr. Eckermann-Ross, or “Dr. E.” as some affectionately know her, was one of the first veterinarians to practice acupuncture on birds and exotic pets. She has lectured worldwide on the subject and written articles for numerous journals and texts. She helps our practice to meld the best properties of both Eastern and Western medicine using her advanced skills.
Acupuncture typically refers to the process of inserting extremely thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body that can induce autoregulatory physiologic responses from the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems. There are other forms of acupuncture used to induce these physiologic responses, including class IV laser stimulation, electrical stimulation, aquapuncture with vitamins or medications, and moxibustion, a process where the thin needles are warmed after insertion.
All of these methodologies are available at our practice. We recommend scheduling a consultation to see if acupuncture, herbal medicine, or other Palliative or End-of-Life care treatments may be a good choice for your pet.